After School Programs

Programs can be adapted to your term length and would change every term!
Children's FASCINATION for REAL science!

Our after school enrichment programs provide a fun, creative and non-competitive environment beyond school hours where your students have the opportunity to explore a number of exciting science topics.

Designed with your budding young scientist in mind, High Touch High Tech science programs allow kids to use their imagination, curiosity and develop their observation skills.

Participants typically meet once per week, over a period of 8 weeks, and enjoy a full hour of hands-on, FUN science, including science games and nature experiments. Our after school science programs prepare students for their future by enhancing their critical thinking skills, problem solving skills and self-esteem while providing opportunities for personal and academic growth.

Our after school programs utilize age appropriate materials and often include take-home science experiments. Children learn best by participating in activities that they love most and our after school programs are a great way to inspire a lifelong love of science.

All materials are included in this supply intensive, educational and FUN science experience.

Kids FASCINATION for REAL science!


All programs can be adapted to your school curriculum.

Example of an ASA program:

Year1 - Year6 KG/FS 1-2

Please contact us for more info:

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